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@ Temple University REEL Theater

Screening date: march 29, 2019

Event from 9PM to 11:20PM - Film shows at 9:15PM


A Mile In Our Shoes is the story of a group of backpackers who are all living with different physical challenges and have come together for the first time for a three day backpacking trip on Pennsylvania's Thunder Swamp Trail System.

Despite the slower pace and the extra challenges that lay ahead, determination and a love of backpacking and the outdoors seems to carry these adaptive hikers to wherever they want to be.


A Mile In Our Shoes was created in the spirit of healing and cooperation with the help of the U.S. Pain Foundation.

T.D.H. Episode 6        (as yet UN-named)

Estimated Release Date: Fall/Winter 2019/2020.


Have you ever walked down the trail and saw a footprint on the edge of a stream, or in the mud on a wet trail and wondered what kind of wildlife left it behind? Or perhaps you just wanted to know what kind of wildlife is around your camp… yet lacked the skills to read the signs left all around you.

Episode 6 of The Disabled Hiker features college professor, veteran backpacker and A.T. 2000 miler Tracery DImperio Lasslett and her wildlife tracking and spotting skills.

Tracey is an Adjunct Veterinary Technician Professor at Northampton County Community College in Bethlehem PA. and is one of the most amazing trackers I have ever met.
And you know what? ...  They say she’s legally deaf. But from my observations, perhaps we are the ones with the real impairment.


Are you an artist living with challenges?

Do you draw well... or are you a musician or songwriter?

Or perhaps you take wildlife video or photography? Perhaps you like to write?

The Disabled Hiker is always looking for new talent to work with

and promote.​

As a multi-media artist myself, I've always loved one aspect of working on TDH almost as much as hanging out in the woods. That is, connecting with other artists from across all art forms while helping to showcase their talents.

And in doing so I've met some amazing people.


Therefore, I am posting this invitation here - from one artist to another - inviting you to be part of

The Disabled Hiker.


If you would like to collaborate or contribute to our video episodes, our blog, or website, please click on the link below.

TaSunka and I look forward to collaborating with you.


 Description: TaSunka showcases some of his many talents as he demonstrates his many ability's as a comedic actor, puppeteer and film director in his directorial debut 'Short' called...

 "Ain't Misbehaving" featuring Pain InDebutt Rabbit.

As an opening for the TDH movie "Feeling Earth" this short piece showcases the wide spectrum of talents TaSunka Wotagla has on both sides of the camera.  ~ Rex Mouthus @ Tailwagers Magazine



© 2018 Igmu Tanka Productions

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  • The Disabled Hiker Community on FB
  • The Disabled Hiker on Twitter
  • The Disabled Hiker on YouTube

Data Collection: In compliance with international standards, The Disabled Hiker does not share personal e-mail addresses or data with any third party for any reason.  The Disabled Hiker does collect e-mail addresses for the sole purpose of distributing its newsletter as well as its own promotions and giveaways.  All e-mail addresses are kept private and used solely for TDH (The Disabled Hiker) purposes.

Disclaimer: This website, blog, written articles, video presentations, social media posts and all content within are not intended to take the place of professional medical advice or counseling. Please consult your Doctor and healthcare professionals before making any changes to your treatment plan and/or changes to your exercise routine.            

Remember... Your health always comes first.

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