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Gear Reviews  Specifically for the adaptive hiker/backpacker

Field Tested By...
Terry & TaSunka
Hiking Equipment Reviews - made with our needs in mind.

As human beings, we are all taught not to give up on the things for which we are passionate. So why should people living with disabilities be any different?

Hiking with my CRPS, (a rare disease & chronic pain condition,) these past two decades has shown me that hiking gear is rarely, if ever, made with people like us in mind. Although We are used to improvising, adapting and overcoming our obstacles, it is also important that manufacturers are aware that people living with various forms of disabilities also enjoy the outdoors... as well as using their products.

Of course, not all gear can be considered 'disabled friendly hiking gear'. But over the years I have found that much of the gear that already exists makes excellent hiking & backpacking equipment for those of us living with disabilities and physical challenges.

Terry Craig

The Disabled Hiker


Hiking with my disability for over two decades has shown me that 'disabled friendly hiking gear' can be recognized by many of the same qualities all backpackers look for in equipment as stated in the following list of priorities... with one small exception. (i.e.- #4)


1. Products should be Ultralight or Lightweight in nature.

2. Products should be easy set up and/or use.

3. Products should be reliable in summertime weather conditions.

4. Products should be adaptable to our physical conditions.

5. Products should be affordable in comparison to similar hiking gear made for the rest of the hiking community.

However, Just as with hiking equipment made for everyone, it is extremely rare when an item fits every single desired requirements. Therefore, I do my best to bring my viewers equipment that increases their ability to have a successful and enjoyable wilderness experience by first researching and then targeting specific items for review and then reviewing the gear in a positive yet honest light while demonstrating its use on camera.


Living with CRPS myself, it would be impossible to anticipate the needs of every viewer and level of ability. But by keeping this in mind I do my best to prepare my viewers for how the gear will work once they are in the woods, as well as give a sense of whether a particular piece of equipment is right for their condition and comfort level by pointing out the pros, the cons, the obstacles and the possibilities.

Preliminary testing phase ~ As I actually use everything I film as part of my backpacking kit & experience... my preliminary testing phase is extremely thorough. Carrying everything into the woods myself does not allow for carrying extra backup gear to use to cover for products that do not live up to our expectations, work improperly, or could cause harm. Therefore the products I carry into the woods and feature in my videos all pass my preliminary testing stage before any further testing of the product continues in an isolated wilderness environment.

Wilderness testing phase ~ Once in the woods, the equipment is then scrutinized further for things like... in the field user friendliness - product pros & cons - medical benefits & concerns - as well as possible user warnings specific to a variety of medical conditions. When combined with our 5 star rating system our reviews provides a very comprehensive overview of the product that aims to leave little to the imagination while informing the user to the very best of our ability.

Sample Reviews
Dixon Rollerpack

T.D.H. 5 Star Rating


T.D.H. 5 Star Rating

Warbonnet Ridgerunner Hammock

T.D.H. 5 Star Rating


T.D.H. 5 Star Rating


T.D.H. 5 Star Rating

Anchor 1

Does your company make

Disabled Hiker Friendly Equipment?


Does your company make a backpacking or camping product you feel might be helpful to those living with extra challenges to enjoy nature in all its splendor?

If so... we would love to review your product for

our community and present your adaptive friendly equipment to an audience you might not know you had.

An audience that is growing... and going...

and doing so regardless of the available gear.

But I know for a fact that Disabled Friendly Hiker gear exists.


Because I seek out TDH friendly gear all the time and I am living proof that it exists.

But, it's a slow process looking for just the right gear.

So perhaps... you'll find us. 

© 2018 Igmu Tanka Productions

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  • The Disabled Hiker on YouTube

Data Collection: In compliance with international standards, The Disabled Hiker does not share personal e-mail addresses or data with any third party for any reason.  The Disabled Hiker does collect e-mail addresses for the sole purpose of distributing its newsletter as well as its own promotions and giveaways.  All e-mail addresses are kept private and used solely for TDH (The Disabled Hiker) purposes.

Disclaimer: This website, blog, written articles, video presentations, social media posts and all content within are not intended to take the place of professional medical advice or counseling. Please consult your Doctor and healthcare professionals before making any changes to your treatment plan and/or changes to your exercise routine.            

Remember... Your health always comes first.

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