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our latest Video


Today feature is produced by

Tasunka wotagla


Lucy shepardson

A new comedy short called...

© 2018 Igmu Tanka Productions

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Data Collection: In compliance with international standards, The Disabled Hiker does not share personal e-mail addresses or data with any third party for any reason.  The Disabled Hiker does collect e-mail addresses for the sole purpose of distributing its newsletter as well as its own promotions and giveaways.  All e-mail addresses are kept private and used solely for TDH (The Disabled Hiker) purposes.

Disclaimer: This website, blog, written articles, video presentations, social media posts and all content within are not intended to take the place of professional medical advice or counseling. Please consult your Doctor and healthcare professionals before making any changes to your treatment plan and/or changes to your exercise routine.            

Remember... Your health always comes first.

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